The views, opinions, and beliefs expressed within all articles, videos, and links from this blog do not necessarily represent The Ohio State University or the Newark Earthworks Center.
The sources below reflect the political and social viewpoints at the time of their publication. The attitudes and beliefs expressed within these sources are frequently problematic and reflect the prejudices and biases held by the authors of that time. We have linked many of them below for their use as primary sources of colonist attitudes towards sovereign tribal nations, particularly within the Midwest; and for their use as secondary sources to be critically examined for historical connections to sovereign tribal nations historic to Ohio.
We welcome your input; so please contact us at with any questions or concerns.
- America's Historical Imprints [requires OSU login]
- American Antiquarian Society Collections
- Gigi Digitial Image Archive of Collections
- James Henry Salisbury: Papers [manuscript], 1862-1869. Catalog Record #272076 (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society 1880-2008
- "Aboriginal Languages of North America" (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Edward E. Hale. 1904. [PDF]
- "Algonquian Language and Literature- Report by the Committee of Publication" (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- 1904. [PDF]
- "The Children's Pocahontas: From Gentle Child of the Wild to All-American Heroine" (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Laura Wasowicz. [PDF]
- "The Contributions of the American Indian to Civilization" (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Alexander F. Chamberlain. 1904. [PDF]
- "Crossing the Cultural Divide: Indians and New Englanders, 1605-1763"
- Alden T. Vaughan and Daniel K. Richter.
- "The Defense of Indian Land Rights: William Bollan and the Mohegan Case in 1743"(Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- David W. Conroy. [PDF]
- "Dress and Ornaments of Certain American Indians" (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Lucien Carr. 1897. [PDF]
- "Dr. Saugrain's Relation of His Voyage Down the Ohio River from Pittsburgh to the Falls in 1788." (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Eugene F. Bliss. 1897. [PDF]
- "Early English Paradigms for New World Natives." (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Alden T. Vaughan. [PDF]
- "The Early Migrations of the Indians of New England and the Maritime Provinces"(Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Roland Burrage Dixon. 1914. [PDF]
- "Eliots Bible and the Ojibway Language" (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Rev. James A. Gilfillan. 1894[PDF]
- "The Food of Certain American Indians and Their Methods of Preparing It."(Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Lucien Carr. 1895. [PDF]
- "From Dr. Saugrain's Note-Books, 1788." (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- 1908. [PDF]
- "Iron from the Ohio Mounds: A Review of the Statements and Misconceptions of Two Writers of Over Sixty Years Ago" (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- F. W. Putnam. April 1883. [PDF]
- "A List of Additional Manuscripts of the French and Indian War in the Library of the [American Antiquarian] Society" (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Charles Henry Lincoln. 1908. [PDF]
- "Native American References: A Cross-Indexed Bibliography of Seventeenth-Century American Imprints Pertaining to American Indians" (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- James Thomas Clancy. [PDF]
- "Notes on Copper Implements of America" (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Henry W. Haynes. 1884. [PDF]
- "Our Dealings with the Indians"(Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- J. Evarts Greene. 1896. [PDF]
- "Rediscovered Links in the Covenant Chain: Previously Unpublished Transcripts of New York Indian Treaty Minutes, 1677-1691." (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Daniel K. Richter. [PDF]
- "Roger's Michillimackinac Journal" (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- William L. Clements. 1918. [PDF]
- "Wisdom of the North American Indian in Speech and Legend" (Not an Indigenous Perspective, does include quotes which would require verification)
- Alexander Francis Chamberlain. 1913. [PDF]
- American Indian Archive
- Oklahoma Historical Society
- American Indian Digital History Project (Indigenous Perspectives)
- University of Kansas, University of Nebraska at Omaha.
- Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Squier & Davis, Smithsonian Institute, 1848, World Digital Library
- Archaeological Atlas of Ohio (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- William C. Mills, The Ohio State University Libraries, 1914.
- Archive of the Jesuits in Canada
- Catalog Search [New France 1611-Present Day]
- Archives de Montréal
- Potier, Pierre-Philippe.“Vocabulaire Huron français” (1744-1752), CA M001 BM007-1-D36, Archives de Montréal. [PDF available] (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Bethlehem History Project | Bethlehem Public Library and the Reeves Library of Moravian College and Theological Seminary
- "The Comprehensive Report on the Brethren's Negotiations in Bethlehem and Gnadenhütten with the Nanticokes and Shawnee Nations from April 1752 and also on the Pact Made with Both Nations at That Time in Gnadenhütten, on the same visit to Bethlehem in July 1752 etc." [English translation; PDF of original documents in Deutsch (German) with transcribed text linked]
- "Brother Joseph Sprangenberg's Report on the Nanticokes' and Shawnee's Bethlehem visit in March 1753" [English translation; PDF of original documents in Deutsch (German) with transcribed text linked]
- "Supplemental Accounts to the Report on the Indians' Visit in Bethlehem in March 1753... A-G" [English translation; PDF of original documents in Deutsch (German) with transcribed text linked]
- "1763 Letter from Peter Boehler to Governor James Hamilton" [English translation; PDF of original documents in Deutsch (German) with transcribed text linked]
- "1789 Letter to the Directors of the Society of the United Brethren from George Washington" [English transcription; Image of original document linked]
- Memoirs
- Johann Böhner (1710-1785) Journal [English translation; PDF of original documents in Deutsch (German) with transcribed text linked]-Gnadenhütten mentioned
- John Ettwein (1721-1802) Journal Journal [English translation; PDF of original documents in Deutsch (German) with transcribed text linked]-Gnadenhütten mentioned
- Michael (d. 1758) (Mennesinger Nation- nation of the Minisinks) [English translation; PDF of original documents in Deutsch (German) with transcribed text linked]
- Bibliothèque nationale de France [National Library of France] Gallica
- Nouvelle France Colonie de la Ouest [New France Western Colony]
- Carte des lacs du Canada/ dressée sur les manuscrits du Depost de cartes plans et journaux de la marine et sur le journal du RP. de Carlevoix. [Map of the lakes of Canada/drawn from the manuscripts of the Depot of maps, plans, and naval journal of RP. of Carlevoix. ]
- Jacques-Nicolas Bellin. 1744.
- Carte de la partie occidentale du Canada, contenant les lacs.... avec partie du cours des rivières d'Ohio, Ouabache et fleuve Mississipy/ par le Sr Bellin, ingénieur de la Marine. [Map of the western part of Canada, containing the lakes....with part of the courses of the Ohio rivers, Wabash, and Mississippi river/ by Sr. Bellin, Marine engineer]
- Jacques-Nicolas Bellin. 1755.
- [Ohio]. Planches d'anciennes fortifications dans l'Etat d'Ohio (7 pl. gravées), publiées dans les "Recherches sur les antiquités des Etats-Unis de l'Amérique septentrionale" de D.B. Warden, dans le "Recueil de voyages et de mémoires publié par la Société de géographie", tome 2, pl. VII á XIII. [Ohio. Plans of ancient fortifications in Ohio State. (7 engraved plates), published within "Research on the antiquities of the United States of North America" by D.B. Warden, in the "Collection of travels and memoirs published by the Geographical Society," volume 2. plates VII-XIII. ]
- David Warden (1778-1845).
- Big 10 Academic Alliance Geoportal
- Boston Public Library | Norman B. Leventhal Map and Education Center
- American Revolutionary War-Era Maps Collection
- Topic Indians of North America--Maps--Early works to 1800
- Topic Middle Atlantic States--Maps--Early works to 1800
- Topic Northeastern States--Maps--Early works to 1800
- "An exact map of New England, New York, Pensylvania & New Jersey, from the latest surveys"
- John Lodge, -1796. [1778?].
- "Carta de la Nuova Inghilterra, Nuova Yorc, e Pensilvania"
- M.B. Inge della Mara. [1763?].
- "Carte de la Nouvelle Angleterre, New York, Pensilvanie et Nouveau Jersay suivant les cartes angloises" [French]
- Jacques Nicolas Bellin, 1703-1772. [1764].
- "Carte du théatre de la guerre entre les Anglais et les Américains" ('Map of the theatre of war between the English and the Americans') [French]
- Louis Brion de la Tour, Esnauts et Rapilly. 1777.
- "Carte du théatre de la guerre entre les Anglais et les Américains" ('Map of the theatre of war between the English and the Americans') [French]
- Louis Brion de la Tour, Esnauts et Rapilly. 1778.
- 'A general map of the middle British colonies in America: viz. Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New-Jersey, New York, Connecticut, and Rhode Island: of Aquanishuonîgy the country of the Confederate Indians comprehending Aquanishuonigy proper, their places of residence, Ohio and Thuchsochruntie their deer hunting countries, Couchsachrage and Skaniadarade their beaver hunting countries, of the Lakes Erie, Ontario, and Champlain, exhibiting the ancient and present seats of the Indian nations'
- Thomas Jefferys, -1771; Lewis Evans 1700?-1756; Robert Sayer 1725-1794. [1768]
- "Karte von Neu England, Neu Yorck und Pensilvanien: sur Allgemeinen historie der reisen" ('Map of New England, New York, and Pennsylvania: on the general history of travel') [Deutsch (German)]
- Jacques Nicolas Bellin, 1703-1772. 1757.
- "Map of the country about the Mississippi" (Indigenous source?)
- Chegeree 1755?
- "A map of the middle British colonies in North America: first published by Mr. Lewis Evans, of Philadelphia, in 1755; and since corrected and improved, as also extended, with the addition of New England, and bordering parts of Canada; from actual surveys now lying at the Board of Trade"
- T. Pownall, 1776.
- "A map of the Province of New York, with part of Pensilvania, and New England: from an actual survey by Captain Montresor, engineer, 1775."
- John Monrésor, 1736-1799; Peter Andress; Andrew Dury; Baron Jeffery Amherst, 1717-1797. [1777].
- "A new map of the north parts of America claimed by France under the names of Louisiana, Mississippi, Canada, and New France with the adjoining territories of England and Spain"
- Herman Moll, 1720.
- "A new map of the western parts of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and North Carolina: comprehending the river Ohio, and all the rivers, which fall into it; part of the river Mississippi, the whole of the Illinois River, Lake Erie; part of the lakes Huron, Michigan etc. and all the country bordering on these lakes and rivers"
- Thomas Hutchins, 1730-1789. November 1778.
- "Partie occidentale de la Virginie, Pensylvanie, Maryland, et Caroline septle. la Rivière d'Ohio, et toutes celles qui s'y jettent, partie de la Rivière Mississippi, tout le cours de la rivière des Illinois, le Lac Erie, partie des Lacs Huron et Michigan etc. toutes les contrées qui bordent ces lacs et rivières" [French]
- Georges-Louis Le Rouge; Thomas Hutchins 1730-1789. [1781]
- "Plan der gegend des Ohio Flusses, wo ohnweit da von am 9 July 1755, zwischen denen Franzofichen u. Engl trouppen ein hiziges treffen vorgeffallen, und der Engl Gen. Braddock nebst 1000 geblieben - : Plan de la battaille a 'Ohio entre les Francois et Anglois le 9 July 1755"
- Christian Friedrich von der Heiden, 1755
- British Library Online Gallery
- Maps of the Americas Exhibition
- The Topographical Collection of George III Flickr, American maps begin on page 33
- 'drawn and printed maps, views and atlases produced between 1500 and 1824.
- "Amerique Septentrionale" Nicolas Sanson. (about 1651)
- "Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae Descriptio" Federik de Wit. (about 1675)
- "Recentissima Novi Orbis, sive Americae Septentrionalis et Meridionalis tabula" Carel Allard. (about 1696)
- "L'Amerique Septentrionale" Guillaume de L'Isle. (between 1700 and 1730)
- "Americae tam Septentrionalis quam Meridionalis in Mappa Geographica Delineatio" Adam Friedrich Zürner (between 1700 and 1759)
- "Carte du Mexique et de la Floride des terres Angloises et des Isles Antilles du cours et des environs de la Riviere de Mississippi" Guillaume de L'Isle, 1703.
- "Totius Americae Septentrionalis et Meridionalis Novissima Repraesentatio quam ex singulis recentium geographorum tabulis collecta luci publicae accommodavit" Johann Baptist Homann. (about 1710)
- "Amerique Septentrionale divisée en ses Principales Parties" Alexis Hubert Jaillot, 1719.
- "Carte d'Amerique dressee pour l'usage du roy" Guillaume de L'Isle,1722.
- "Carte du Mexique et de la Floride des terres Angloises et des Isles Antilles du cours et des environs de la Riviere de Mississippi" Guilaume de L'Isle, 1722.
- "Carte de la Louisiane et du cours du Mississippi dressée sur un grand nombre de memoires enr'autres sur ceux de Monsieur le Maire" Guillaume de L'Isle, 1730.
- "To the Right Honorable John Lord Sommers Baron of Evesham in ye county of Worcester Presdent of Her Majesty;s most Honourable Privy Council Etc. This Map of North America according to ye Newest and most Exact Observation is most Humbly dedicated" Herman Moll. (about 1733)
- "A Map of North America with the European settlements and whatever else is remarkable in ye West Indies, from the latest and best Observations." Richard William Seale. (about 1745)
- "Partie Occidentale de la Nouvelle France ou Canada" Jacques Nicolas Bellin, 1745.
- "Amérique Septentrionale" Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'Anville, 1746.
- "Amérique Septentrionale" Gilles Robert de Vaugondy, 1750.
- "North America" Solomon Bolton, MDCCL (1750).
- "A chart of North and South America, including the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, with the nearest coasts of Europe, Africa, and Asia" John Green, 1753.
- "Regni Mexicani seu novae Hispaniae ludovicianae, N. Angliae, Carolinae, Virginiae et Pensylvaniae" Johann Baptist Homann. (about 1759)
- "Carte d'Amerique dressee pour l'usage du roy" Guillaume de L'Isle,1755.
- "A General Map of North America; in which is expressed the several new roads, forts, engagements, etc, taken from actual surveys and observations made in the Army employed there, from the years 1754 to 1761: drawn by the late John Rocque, topographer to his Majesty" John Rocque. (about 1762)
- "Andrews' New Map of North America, from Newfoundland, to the river Mississippi, with the West Indies, Bay of Honduras, Mosquito Shore and part of Terra Firma" John Andrews, July 30, 1782.
- "Map of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada with the adjacent pars of the United States of America etc." Joseph Bouchette, 1815.
- Canadiana | CRKN
- Chicago History Museum
- Online Collection Portal | CARLI Digital Collection
- Cataloging Indigenous-related Pamphlets at the Chicago History Museum Online Exhibit, Putting the principles of critical librarianship into practice
- Chronicling America | Library of Congress
- The Indianapolis Times
- "Indians' Work Will be Safe in State Park: Ohio Acts to Preserve Unusual Earth Relics at Newark", Science Service, July 31, 1933, Page 9.
- The Journal
- "This is Ohio!", October 22, 1953, Image 9.
- Ottawa County News
- "Let's Explore Ohio", September 4, 1952, Image 5.
- Wheeling times and advertiser
- "GRAVE CREEK MOUND", August 28, 1843, Image 2
- Cincinnati and Hamilton County Public Library
- Atlas of Licking Co., Ohio: from actual surveys. F. W. Beers. 1866. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Combination Atlas Map of Licking County Ohio: Compiled, Drawn, and Published from Personal Examinations and Surveys. L.H. Everts. Published by Thomas Hunter. 1875. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Clarke Historical Library | Native American Materials
- Central Michigan University
- College of Menominee Nation
- Columbus Metropolitan Library
- full text of The Columbus Dispatch from 1871 to the present. NewsBank.
- Columbus News Index 1960-1997 and obituaries from 1931-1997
- EBSCOhost
- Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers (1800s)
- ProQuest U.S. Newsstream
- Local History and Genealogy
- Help Preserve Ohio’s History- photos that tell the stories of central Ohio.
- Scan Your Items- Set up a time to bring them in to scan or if you want to donate them.
- Reserve an Expert to get online, one-on-one help with genealogy, local history or house history questions.
- The Darlington Digital Library
- University of Pittsburgh
- David Rumsey Map Collection
- "Map of Virginia, Ohio, 1818 (upper left sheet)" Rev. James Madison.
- Digital Newberry: Newberry Transcribe
- Daniel Gookin account of the Christian Indians in New England, 1675-1677: manuscript, 1677
- Herman Haupt manuscript: North American Indians: ethnology of the Dakota, Sioux, and Ojibway, Chippeway Indian, 1903
- Indian land deeds and indentures, 1639-1787 (Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York)
- John Howard Payne notes on Cherokee ethnology, missions, and government relations, early to mid-19th century
- John Howard Payne notes on the Creek Country, early to mid-19th century
- John Howard Payne notes on Indian antiquities, 1826-1840
- Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)
- "Early Historic American Indian Testimony Concerning the Ancient Earthworks of Eastern North America" [PDF] (includes secondary testimony)
- Bradley Lepper, Ohio Archaeology, 2014.
- Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma
- Encyclopedia of Chicago
- English National Archives
- Records of the Colonial Office, Commonwealth and Foreign and Commonwealth Offices, Empire Marketing Board, and related bodies Catalogue description
- America and the West Indies in the Calendar of State Papers Colonial 1573-1739
- American and West Indian colonies before 1782
- American Revolution
- Board of Trade: Original Correspondence
- British Army and militia 1760-1915
- Colonies and dependencies from 1782 records guide
- Crew lists, agreements, and log books of merchant ships 1747-1860
- Logs and journals of ships of exploration 1757-1904
- Native American affairs
- Overseas maps and plans
- Prisoners of war: selected records 1715-1945
- Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) Institute of Education Sciences
- "A Grassroots Effort."
- 2007. Mary Annette Pember. Diverse: Issues in Higher Education.
- People of the Three Fires: The Ottawa, Potawatomi and Ojibway of Michigan. [PDF full text]
- 1986. James A. Clifton, George L. Cornell, and James M. McClurken. The Michigan Indian Press Grand Rapids Inter-Tribal Council.
- Remember Native America! The Earthworks of Ancient America
- 1992. Richard Balthazar.
- Foundation for Illinois Colonial and American Studies
- The "Kaskaskia Manuscripts"
- 1708-1816.
- GALE CENGAGE Learning [OSU login required]
- The Papers of the Society of American Indians, 1906-1946
- Indigenous Peoples of North America
- Records of the Moravian Missions to the American Indians, (1713) 1742-1898 (1980)
- Finding Guide, Vernon H. Nelson and Thomas McCullough 2020 (PDF)
- Georgia Historic Newspapers
- Cherokee phoenix, and Indians' advocate. New Echota, GA 1829-1834. (Indigenous perspectives)
- Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology
- Archaeology Photographs
- Ethnohistory Map Collection
- Great Lakes- Ohio Valley Ethnohistory Collection, 1953-1966 [Documents cover 1540-1957]
- Finding Guide
- Introduction to the Collection; 'assembled by Erminie Wheeler-Voegelin and her eight-person research team to support the Great Lakes-Ohio Valley Ethnohistory Project, funded by the U.S. Dept. of Justice'
- Tribal History Documents Series, 1540-1957
- Finding Guide | Subseries: Chippewa, 1613-1927
- Finding Guide | Subseries: Delaware, 1600-1890
- Finding Guide | Subseries: Fox, 1600-1890
- Finding Guide | Subseries: Huron, 1608-1910
- Finding Guide | Subseries: Illinois, 1640-1883
- Finding Guide | Subseries: Kickapoo, 1600-1957
- Finding Guide | Subseries: Mascouten, 1600-1825
- Finding Guide | Subseries: Menominee, 1600-1883
- Finding Guide | Subseries: Miami, 1600-1864
- Finding Guide | Subseries: Mohican, 1776-1849
- Finding Guide | Subseries: Ottawa, 1600-1900
- Finding Guide | Subseries: Potawatomi, 1600-1898
- Finding Guide | Subseries: Sac, 1600-1884
- Finding Guide | Subseries: Seneca, 1550-1883
- Finding Guide| Subseries: Shawnee, 1540-1896
- Finding Guide | Subseries: Sioux, 1670-1902
- Finding Guide | Subseries: Winnebago, 1600-1836
- Tribal Indices
- GovInfo [Downloadable and OCR (searchable) PDFs.]
- American Indian Religious Freedom Act
- Congressional Records- House of Representatives and Senate.
- "DCPD-202100091-Memorandum on Tribal Consultation and Strengthening Nation-to-Nation Relationships"
- "Health and Safety Deficiencies at Bureau of Indian Education Elementary and Secondary Schools." May 31, 2007.
- Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- compiled and edited Charles J. Kappler.
- "seven volume compilation contains U.S. treaties, laws, and executive orders pertaining to Native American Indian tribes. The volumes cover U.S. government treaties with Native Americans from 1778-1883 (Vol. 2) and U.S. laws and executive orders concerning Native Americans from 1871-1970 (Vol 1, 3-7)."
- Volume 1
- Volume 2
- Volume 3
- Volume 4
- Volume 5
- Volume 6
- Volume 7
- Treasury Combined Statement of Receipts, Expenditures, and Balances of the United States Government, Annual.
- "Tribal Successes: Protecting the Environment and Natural Resources." May 3, 2007.
- Granville Historical Society
- The Historical Times: Back Issues
- Andrew M. Mickelson. "Observations on the Natural and Cultural Resources of the Spring Valley."The Historical Times, Vol. XIX, Issue 2. May 2005. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Ray Hively and Robert Horn and Richard Holden."The Newark Mounds: Native American Earthworks Sculpt Lunar Odyssey." The Historical Times. Vol IX No 2. Spring 1995. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- "Bryn Du Farm and Bryn Du Mansion, Granville, Ohio." The Historical Times. Vol II Number 4. Fall 1988 (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Hathi Trust Digital Library
- Historical Collections of Ohio Vol 1-3 (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- by Henry Howe 1890-91.
- Licking County- Vol 2. pg 316-349 [350-387 out of 1344]
- Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- compiled and edited Charles J. Kappler.
- Prehistoric Antiquities of Indiana: a description of the more notable earthworks, mounds, implements and ceremonial objects left in Indiana by our predecessors, together with some information as to their origin and antiquity, and the prehistory of Indiana (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- President of the Indiana Historical Society Eli Lilly, 1937.
- See Ohio First: a guide to the best routes to the most interesting scenes in the Buckeye state (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Professor G. Frederick Wright. 1914.
- "The Territorial Papers of the United States: Volume II The Territory Northwest of the River Ohio, 1787-1803" (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Compiled and edited by Clarence Edwin Carter. United States Government Printing Office. Publication No. 636.
- Historiae Canadensis seu Novae Franciae libri decem, ad annum usque Christi 1656 [in Latin] (Not an Indigenous Perspective; Note: Author never went to New France)
- by Father Francisco Creuxio.
- Historic Map Works Residential Genealogy
- A History of the State of Ohio: Natural and Civil (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Caleb Atwater, Glezen & Shepard, 1838. Digitized by the Biodiversity Heritage Library.
- Hudson's Bay Company Archives
- Indian Claims Commission Decisions (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Oklahoma State University
- Indiana University Bloomington | Indiana University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
- Great Lakes- Ohio Valley Ethnohistory Collection, 1953-1966
- "This U.S. Department of Justice funded research activity was responsible for the preparation of in-depth reports concerning American Indian land use and tenure. These reports were intended to be used in the government's defense against cases involving alleged treaty inequities and which were brought before the Indian Claims Commission, a body and a process authorized by federal legislation signed into law on August 13, 1946."
- Indigenizing the Curriculum: An Appendix of Films and Movies, and their Supportive Books (PDF)
- Helen D. Armstrong.
- The Indigenous Digital Archive
- Museum of Indian Arts & Culture New Mexico, New Mexico State Library Tribal Libraries Program and the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center
- Treaties Explorer, 374 Ratified Indian treaties digitized
- Indigenous Law Portal
- Library of Congress
- Indigenous Languages of the Americas: Sources from the John Carter Brown Library
- Search by Language, Genre, and Region.
- Integrated Resource Management Applications (IRMA) Portal
- National Park Service, Department of the Interior
- Internet Archive
- Internet Wayback Machine, Books, Video, Audio, Software, Images
- John Carter Brown Library- Indigenous Collection
- Agriculture of the Hidatsa Indians; an Indian Interpretation
- Gilbert Livingstone Wilson's interview of Buffalo Bird Woman (Hidatsa) for a PhD thesis, The University of Minnesota, 1917.
- also available from The University of Minnesota Libraries Digital Conservancy
- also published under "Buffalo Bird Woman's Garden: Agriculture of the Hidatsa Indians," Minnesota Historical Society Press, 1987.
- American Anthropologist (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Discussion as to Copper from the Mounds. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Moore, McClure, Putnam, Dorsey, Moorehead, Willoughby 1903.
- "Certain Earthworks of Eastern Massachusetts" Charles C. Willoughby, October 1911. Vol 13.
- "The Serpent Mound of Adams County, Ohio" Charles C. Willoughby, April 1919.
- American Antiquities: Read Before a Joint Meeting of the Pioneer Associations of the Counties of Franklin, Muskingum and Licking at Their Celebration of the National Anniversary, at Pataskala, Ohio, July 4, 1870. (Not an Indigenous perspective)
- Samuel Park. 1870.
- American Indian freemasonry
- Arthur C. Parker, New York State Museum Archaeologist. 1919.
- Ancient earth forts of the Cuyahoga Valley, Ohio (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Charles Whittlesey, 1871.
- "Antiquities of Licking County." Hetuck. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Newark High School. May 1901.
- Archaeologia Americana: Transactions and Collections of the American Antiquarian Society. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- "Description of the Antiquities discovered in the State of Ohio and other Western States communicated to the President of the American Antiquarian Society" Caleb Atwater, Pages 105-257 [104-266 of 436]. 1820.
- "Account of the Present State of the Indian Tribes Inhabiting Ohio In a letter from John Johnston, Esq., United States Agent of Indian Affairs, at Piqua, to Caleb Atwater, Esq" 1820. Pages 259-299 [268-299 of 436].
- "Miscellaneous Articles. Conjectures respecting the Ancient Inhabitants of North America." Moses Fiske, Esq. Page 300-307 [300-306 of 436].
- The archaeological history of New York. Part 2.1
- Arthur C. Parker, New York State Museum Archaeologist. 1920.
- Bibliography of the Algonqiuan Languages
- James Piling, 1891.
- Bibliography of the Iroquoian languages
- James Pilling, 1888.
- Bibliography of the Muskogean languages
- James Pilling, 1889.
- Bibliography of the Siouan Languages
- James Pilling, 1887.
- The British Empire in America: containing the history of the Discovery, Settlement, Progress and State of the British Colonies on the Continent and Islands of America. Volume 1. Being an account of the Country, Soil, Climate, Product and Trade of Newfoundland, New-England, New-Scotland, New-York, New-Jersey, Pensylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Carolina, Georgia, Hudson's-Bay. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Second Edition, corrected and amended.
- Carey's American Minor Atlas: Containing Twenty Maps
- Mathew Carey, 1806. Digitized by the Boston Public Library
- "Carte de la découverte faite l'an 1673 dans l'Amérique septentrionale" [Map of the discoveries made in the year 1673 in Northern America]
- Jacques Marquette and Louis Jolliet, 1681. Digitized by the Library of Congress.
- "Catalogue of Prehistoric Works: East of the Rocky Mountains"
- Cyrus Thomas, 1891.
- "The Circular, Square, and Octagonal Earthworks of Ohio"
- Cyrus Thomas, 1887.
- "Colin Calloway The Indian World of George Washington" Video
- CSPAN July 10, 2020.
- Conrad Weiser's Journal of a Tour to the Ohio, August 11-October 2, 1748.
- Published 1904.
- A correspondence between the Rev. John Heckewelder, of Bethlehem, and Peter S. Duponceau, corresponding secretary of the historical and literary committee of the American Philosophical Society, respecting The Languages of the American Indians Volume 1. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Reverend John Heckewelder, Peter Duponceau, 1819.
- Centennial history of Licking County, Ohio: read at the centennial celebration of the Licking Co. Agricultural Society; at the "Old Fort." July 4th 1876. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Isaac Smucker. 1876.
- Certain Mounds and Village Sites in Ohio Volume I (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- William C. Mills, Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, 1907.
- Adena Mound, Gartner Mound and Village, Baum Village, Edwin Harness Mound
- Certain Mounds and Village Sites in Ohio Vol 2 Part 3 | Exploration of the Tremper Mound (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- William C. Mills, 1916.
- The circular, square, and octagonal earthworks of Ohio (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Cyrus Thomas, 1889.
- The code of Handsome Lake, the Seneca Prophet.
- Handsome Lake; edited Arthur C. Parker, New York State Museum Archaeologist. 1913.
- The constitution of the Five Nations
- Arthur C. Parker, New York State Museum Archaeologist. 1916.
- De regione et moribus canadensium seu barbarorum Novae Franciae [in Latin] (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Joseph de Jouvancy, 1871. University of Alberta Libraries.
- Delaware Indian and English Spelling Book: for the schools of the mission of the United Brethren; with some short historical accounts from the Old and New Testament, and other useful instruction for children (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- David Zeisberger, Philadelphia, 1806.
- Descriptions of ancient works in Ohio (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Charles Whittlesey, Smithsonian Institution, 1850.
- "The Diary of an Officer in Indian Country in 1794." Magazine of Western History.
- Volume XI, November 1889- April, 1890. 1889. Diary credited to Officer John Chew, Ernest Cruikshank. Page 383-388 (382-388 of 666).
- Le Grand Voyage du Pays des Hurons, situé en l'Amerique vers la Mer douce, es derniers confins de la nouvelle France, dite Canada [French] (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Gabriel Sagard, 1632.
- The Early Jesuit Missions in North America Compiled and Translated from the Letters of the French Jesuits, with notes.
- Rev. William Ingraham Kip. Joel Munsell, Albany New York,1873.
- originally published in French under " Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses, Ecrites des Missions Etrangeres,” in thirty-four volumes by J. G. Merigot le jeune.- several if not all have also been digitized on Internet Archive.
- [digitized copy pg. 8 of 356] "Copy of a Map, published by the Jesuits in 1664. Les Cinq Nations Iroquoises.[The Five Iroquois Nations]"
- An enquiry into the causes of the alienation of the Delaware and Shawanese Indians from the British interest, and into the measures taken for recovering their friendship. Extracted from the public treaties.... (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Secretary Charles Thompson of the Continental Congress, Christian Frederic Post 1759.
- Essay of a Delaware-Indian and English Spelling Book, for the use of the schools of the Christian Indians on Muskingum River (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Reverend David Zeisberger, 1776.
- Expedition of Celoron to the Ohio Country in 1749.
- edited by C.B. Galbreath, 1920.
- Explorations of the Gartner Mound and Village Site (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- William C. Mills, 1904.
- [French-Huron Dictionary and Vocabulary] [handwritten French] (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- attributed to Jesuit Father Pierre Joseph Marie Chaumonot, 1640.
- [French and Miami-Illinois Dictionary] (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- ascribed to Jesuit Father Jean Baptiste Le Boulanger, 1730s?.
- Grammar of the Language of the Lenni Lenape or Delaware Indians (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- David Zeisberger, translated by Peter Stephen du Ponceau, 1827.
- Onondago dialect.
- "Haldimand Collection: Letters from the Secretaries of General Haldimand, 1779-1784". Report on Canadian archives
- Public Archives of Canada, 1886.
- Histoire et description generale de la Nouvelle France, avec le journal historique d'un voyage fait par ordre du roi dans l'Amérique septentrionnale [French] (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Pierre-François-Xavier de Charlevoix, 1744.
- Map of North America 1743, page 106 of 810.
- An historical account of the expedition against the Ohio Indians in the year MDCCLXIV [1794]: Under the command of Henry Bouquet, Esq. Colonel of Foot, and now Brigadier General in America. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- "Including his transactions with the Indians, relative to the delivery of their prisoners, and the preliminaries of peace. With an introductory account of the preceding campaign, and battle at Bushy-Run. To which are annexed military papers, containing reflections on the war with the savages; a method of forming frontier settlements; some account of the Indian country; with a list of nations, fighting men, towns, distances, and different routs. The whole illustrated with a map and copper plates."(Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- William Smith, 1766.
- The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada which are dependent on the Province of New York in America, and are the barrier between the English and French in that Part of the World. : With particular accounts of their religion, manners, customs, laws, and forms of government; their several battles and treaties with the European nations; their wars with other Indians; and a true account of the present state of our trade with them. In which are shown, the great advantage of their trade and alliance to the British nation, and the intrigues and attempts of the French to engage them from us; a subject nearly concerning all our American plantations, and highly meriting the attention of the British nation at this juncture.....To which are added accounts of the several other Nations of Indians in North America, their numbers, strength, etc. and the treaties which have lately been made with them." (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- by Cadwallader Colden, Esq.; one of his Majesty's Council, and Surveyor-General of New York. 1747.
- The History of Granville, Licking County, Ohio
- Rev. Henry Bushnell, 1889.
- History of the Indian Tribes of North America, with biographical sketches and anecdotes of the principal chiefs. Volume 1 (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Thomas McKenney and James Hall, 1836.
- History of the Indian Tribes of North America, with biographical sketches and anecdotes of the principal chiefs. Volume 2 (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Thomas McKenney and James Hall, 1872.
- History of the Indian Tribes of North America, with biographical sketches and anecdotes of the principal chiefs. Volume 3 (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Thomas McKenney and James Hall, 1844.
- History of the mission of the United Brethren among the Indians in North America: in three parts. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- George Henry Loskiel, David Zeisberger, August Gottlieb Spangenberg, Christian Ignatius Latrobe; 1794.
- History of the Ojebway Indians, with especial reference to their conversion to Christianity with a brief Memoir of the Writer (Indigenous Perspective)
- Kahkewaquonaby (Reverend Peter Jones), 1861.
- The Canadian Encyclopedia's Biography of Peter Jones or Kahkewaquonaby (Sacred Feathers)
- Historical and statistical information respecting the history, condition and prospects of the Indian tribes of the United States. Henry Rowe Schoolcraft. 1851. Digitized by the Library of Congress. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- History and General Description of New France by the Rev. P.F.X. de Charlevoix, translated with notes in six volumes, Vol 1, Vol 2, Vol 3, Vol 4, Vol 5, Vol 6. [English]
- John Gilmary Shea, 1866.
- History of Chicago-from the earliest period to the present time (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Alfred Theodore, Andreas, 1884, Digitized by the Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center.
- History of Richland County, Ohio: (including the original boundaries); its past and present, containing a condensed comprehensive history of Ohio, including an outline history of the Northwest, a complete history of Richland county... miscellaneous matter, map of the county, biographies and histories of...the most prominent families, etc., etc. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- A.A. Graham, 1880, Digitized by The Library of Congress.
- "Chapter XX. Indian Tribes in the County: Wyandots or Hurons, Ottawas, Delawares, Shawnees, Greentown, Jeromeville, Cat. Pipe, Thomas Armstrong, Other Chiefs, John M. Armstrong, his education, marriage, work and death, Indian Villages, Manners, Customs, Food, Husting, Marriage Ceremonies, Religion, Feasts at Greentown and Jeromeville, Removal." pg. 200-212 [198-210 of 515]
- Iroquois uses of maize and other food plants
- Arthur C. Parker, New York State Museum Archaeologist. 1910.
- [Iroquois translation manual for the missionaries at Lac des Deux Montagnes, Québec] (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Order of Sulpicians, Catholic Church, 1754.
- The Jesuit relations and allied documents; travels and explorations of the Jesuit missionaries in New France, 1610-1791; the original French, Latin, and Italian texts, with English translations and notes. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- edited by Reuben Gold Thwaites, Burrows Bros. Co. 1896-1901.
- The journal of Major John Norton, 1816. (Indigenous Perspective) Free to Borrow
- Teyoninhokarawen or John Norton (Grand River Haudenosaunee), 1816.
- A journal of two visits made to some nations of Indians on the west side of the River Ohio, in the years 1772 and 1773.
- Rev. David Jones, 1774.
- A Lenâpé-English dictionary. From an anonymous ms. in the archives of the Moravian Church at Bethlehem, Pa.
- Daniel Garrison Brinton, David Zeisberger, Albert Seqaqkind Anthony, Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 1888.
- Life and Journals of Keh-ke-ẃa-quo-nā-by: (Rev. Peter Jones,) Wesleyan missionary (Indigenous Perspective)
- Kahkewaquonaby (Reverend Peter Jones), 1861.
- The Canadian Encyclopedia's Biography of Peter Jones or Kahkewaquonaby (Sacred Feathers)
- Map of the British Empire in America
- Henry Popple, 1746.
- "Map of the Indian Tribes of North America about 1600 A.D. along the Atlantic and about 1800 A.D. Westwardly."
- "American Antiquarian Society, 1836.
- The masterpieces of the Ohio mound builders, the hilltop fortification, including Fort Ancient (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Emilius Oviatt Randall, 1908.
- Memoir on the Antiquities of the Western Parts of the State of New-York: Read before the Literary and Philosophical Society of New-York. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- De Witt Clinton. E. & E. Hosford. 1820.
- Miscellaneous papers relating to American Indian languages (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, James Pilling, James Mooney, John Powell, 1892.
- A Mission to the Indians, from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting, to Fort Wayne, in 1804. (Not an Indigenous perspective)
- Gerard T. Hopkins, compiled in 1862 by Martha E. Tyson.
- The Mound Builders of Ohio...their village sites, graves, etc. Fully Illustrated. A Description of the Exhibit from M.C. Hopewell's Farm, Ross County Ohio. (Not an Indigenous perspective, photographs of burials)
- F.W. Putnam, 1900.
- Mound builders' works, near Newark, Ohio. (Not an Indigenous perspective)
- Isaac Smucker, 1884. University of Pittsburgh Library System.
- Myths and Legends of the New York State Iroquois
- Harriet Maxwell Converse, edited by New York State Museum Archaeologist Arthur C. Parker. 1908.
- Narratives of New Netherland, 1609-1664.
- edited by J. Franklin Jameson. American Historical Association. Charles Scribner's Sons. 1909.
- A new and elegant general atlas: comprising all the new discoveries, to the present time; containing 63 maps (Ohio Map is page 104 of 142)
- Aaron Arrowsmith, Samuel Lewis, and Jedidiah Morse, 1812. Digitized by the Boston Public Library.
- New voyages to North-America: Containing an account of the several nations of that vast continent; their customs, commerce, and way of navigation upon the lakes and rivers; the several attempts of the English and French to dispossess one another; with the reasons of the miscarriage of the former; and the various adventures between the French, and the Iroquese confederates of England, from 1683 to 1694. A geographical description of Canada, and a natural history of the country, with remarks upon their government, and the interest of the English and French in their commerce. Also a dialogue between the author and a general of the savages, giving a full view of the religion and strange opinions of those people; with an account of the authors retreat to Portugal and Denmark, and his remarks on those courts. To which is added, a dictionary of the Algonkine language, which is generally spoke in North-America. Illustrated with twenty three mapps and cutts. Volume 1. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Baron Louis Armand Lahontan, 1703.
- New voyages to North-America. : Containing an account of the several nations of that vast continent; their customs, commerce, and way of navigation upon the lakes and rivers; the several attempts of the English and French to dispossess one another; with the reasons of the miscarriage of the former; and the various adventures between the French, and the Iroquese confederates of England, from 1683 to 1694. A geographical description of Canada, and a natural history of the country, with remarks upon their government, and the interest of the English and French in their commerce. Also a dialogue between the author and a general of the savages, giving a full view of the religion and strange opinions of those people; with an account of the authors retreat to Portugal and Denmark, and his remarks on those courts. To which is added, a dictionary of the Algonkine language, which is generally spoke in North-America. Illustrated with twenty-three maps and cuts. Volume 2. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Baron Louis Armand Lahontan, Second Edition, 1735.
- Notes upon the Mound Structures of Southern Illinois and Ohio, in the vicinity of St. Louis, Cincinnati and Newark. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- T. C. Wallbridge, February 1861.
- Observations on the language of the Muhhekaneew Indians (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Jonathan Edwards, 1789.
- includes Mohegan, Shawnee, Ojibwe, Mohawk, Algonquian language.
- O-gî-mäw-kwě Mit-i-gwä-kî (Queen of the Woods) also a brief sketch of the Algaic Language (Indigenous Perspective)
- Simon Pokagon (Pokagon Band of Potawatomi), 1899.
- Page 7 of 286 of digitization is a photograph of the author.
- Pokégnek Bodéwadmik | Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Education Page
- Ohio Interrogation Points
- Joseph W. Tannehill, 1917. Digitized by the University of California Libraries.
- Specifically Pages 41 and 44.
- Papers read before the First annual conference of the American Indian Association, Ohio State University, Columbus, October 12 to 15, 1911.
- Society of American Indians. 1st conference. 1911.
- Dibangimowin Pottawattamie Ejitodwin Anishnawbe | Pottawattamie Book of Genesis- Legend of the Creation of Man (Indigenous perspective)
- Chief Simon Pokagon (Pokagon Band of Potawatomi), 1901.
- Page 7 of 286 of digitization is a photograph of the author.
- Pokégnek Bodéwadmik | Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Education Page
- Prehistoric Remains in Licking County Ohio. (Not and Indigenous perspective)
- Walter Metz. 1904.
- Premiums and Regulations for the Twenty-Second Annual Fair of the Licking County Agricultural Society. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Licking County Agricultural Society. 1869. (held on the grounds of the "Old Fort" or Great Circle Earthworks in Newark, Ohio)
- Primitive Man in Ohio (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Warren King Moorehead, 1892.
- Proof-sheets of a bibliography of the languages of the North American Indians
- James Pilling, 1885.
- Rand, McNally & co.'s A week at the fair, illustrating the exhibits and wonders of the World's Columbian exposition, with special descriptive articles (Not an indigenous perspective)
- Stuart C. Wade, 1893.
- Recherches sur les antiquités des Etats-Unis de l'Amérique septentrionale. [Research on the antiquities of the United States of North America. extract from volume 2.] [French] (Not an indigenous perspective)
- David Warden, 1827.
- Plate VII Newark Earthworks, Plate
- VIII Marietta Earthworks and Circleville,
- Plate IX Paint Creek Earthworks and Portsmouth Earthworks,
- Plate X Fort Ancient Earthworks,
- Plate XI Little Miami River Earthworks,
- Plate XII Massachusetts rock art, Piketon Earthworks, Tarlton Cross Earthworks, Piqua Earthworks, Chillicothe Earthworks
- Recollections of Sixty Years (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- John Johnston, Indian Agent for the U.S. Government at Piqua Ohio from 1806-1583. Reprinted from Cist's Miscellany, Cincinnati Ohio 1842, together with the state of the Indian Tribes inhabiting Ohio. 1915.
- The Red Man's Rebuke (Indigenous Perspective)
- Simon Pokagon (Pokagon Band of Potawatomi), World's Columbian Exposition 1893.
- Pokégnek Bodéwadmik | Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Education Page
- The second journal of Christian Frederick Post, on a message from the governor of Pensilvania to the Indians on the Ohio (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Christian Frederick Post, 1759.
- Seneca Myths and Folk Tales (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Arthur C. Parker, New York State Museum Archaeologist. 1923.
- Snow-snake as played by the Seneca-Iroquois
- Arthur C. Parker, New York State Museum Archaeologist. 1909.
- Stone ornaments used by Indians in the United States and Canada: being a description of certain charm stones, gorgets, tubes, bird stones and problematical forms
- Warren K. Moorehead, Arthur C. Parker, Edward H. Williams. 1917.
- A Synopsis of the Indian Tribes within the United States East of the Rocky Mountains, and in the British and Russian Possessions in North America.
- Albert Gallatin, 1836.
- Tableau de la Situation Actuelle des États-Unis d'Amérique, d'Après Jedidiah Morse Et les Meilleurs Auteurs Américains; Tome Premier. [French] (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Charles Pictet de Rochemont, 1795. Digitized by the John Carter Brown Library.
- "États des Tribus Sauvages comprises dans les États-Unis, ou voisines de la République , d'après les meilleures Autorités ; tiré des Observations sur la Virginie." page 202 of 367. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Chart recording tribal name, numbers as recorded by Croghan 1759, Bouquet 1764, Hutchins 1768, Dodge 1779; and their place of residence.
- "A Map of the Northern and Middle States; Comprehending the Western Territory and the British Dominions in North America from the best Authorities". Page 246 of 367. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- A narrative of the mission of the United Brethren among the Delaware and Mohegan Indians: from its commencement, in the year 1740, to the close of the year 1808, comprising all the remarkable incidents which took place at their missionary stations during that period, interspersed with anecdotes, historical facts, speeches of Indians, and other interesting matter (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- John Heckewelder, 1820.
- Tableau de la Situation Actuelle des États-Unis d'Amérique, d'Après Jedidiah Morse Et les Meilleurs Auteurs Américains; Volume 2. [French] (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Charles Pictet de Rochemont, 1795. Digitized by the John Carter Brown Library.
- "Chapitre XVI Territoire Nord-Ouest De L'Ohio" pg 118- 130 of 347.
- Topographical and historical sketch of the State of Ohio, with an historical map (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Charles Whittlesey, 1872.
- "Historical map of the State of Ohio" Ormando Willis Gray. 1872. Digitized by the David Rumsey Map Collection.
- Travels and Explorations of the Jesuit Missionaries in New France 1610-1791. The original French, Latin, and Italian texts with English translations and notes. Illustrated by portraits, maps, and facsimilies. Vol. I. Lower Canada, Iroquois, Ottawas 1664-1667.
- Reuben Gold Thwaites, Burrows Bros. 1896.
- A treaty between the President and Council of the Province of Pennsylvania and the Indians of Ohio, held at Philadelphia, November 13, 1747. (Not and Indigenous Perspective)
- Ben Franklin, 1748.
- Uses of plants by the Chippewa Indians
- Frances Densmore, Government Printing Office, 1928. Extract from the 44th Annual Report f the Bureau of American Ethnology.
- View of the title to Indiana, a tract of country on the river Ohio,: containing Indian conferences at Johnson-Hall, in May 1765; the deed of the Six Nations to the proprietors of Indiana; the minutes of the congress at Fort Stanwix, in October and November, 1768; the deed of the Indians, settling the boundary line between the English and Indians lands; and the opinion of counsel on the title of the proprietors of Indiana. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Samuel Wharton, 1779.
- Words, phrases, and short dialogues, in the language of the Lenni Lenape, or Delaware Indians (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Reverend John Heckewelder, 1819.
- Work in Mound Exploration of the Bureau of Ethnology (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Cyrus Thomas, 1887.
- Zeisberger's Indian Dictionary, English, German, Iroquois--the Onondaga and Algonquin--the Delaware
- David Zeisberger and Eben Norton Horsford. 1887.
- K'iche' Maya Oral History Project
- Latin American & Iberian Institute, University of New Mexico.
- Knowledge Bank
- American Indian Studies at The Ohio State University
- "Authorship of Squier and Davis' Map of the Marietta Earthworks: A Belated Correction"
- 1977, James L. Murphy.
- "The Circleville Earthwork and Hopewell"
- 2011, Jerrel C. Anderson, Archaeological Society of Ohio.
- "Creatures of the Beneath World: Hopewell Effigies from Turner Mound Part 1- the Horned Serpent Monster Effigy"
- 2010, Michael Rusnak, Archaeological Society of Ohio.
- "Creatures of the Beneath World: Hopewell Effigies from Turner Mound Part 2- the Water Beast and Fish/Snake Effigies"
- 2011, Michael Rusnak, Archaeological Society of Ohio.
- "Ethics of the Native Skeleton: Reception and Internalization of NAGPRA in Academia"
- 2019, Megan Hardie, The Ohio State University.
- "An Extraordinary Hopewell Human Head Pipe from the Edwin Harness Mound"
- 2010, George H. Colvin, Ohio Archaeological Society.
- "Four Hopewell Frog and Toad Effigy Pipes from the Squier and Davis Collection: Texture, Detail, Genuine Works of Art"
- 2010, Michael Rusnak, Archaeological Society of Ohio.
- "Investigating the Placement of Hopewell Earthworks: A GIS Spatial Analysis of Ross County, Ohio"
- 2014, Timothy Everhart, The Ohio State University.
- "Two Older "New" Old Maps of the Newark Earthworks"
- 1995, James L. Murphy.
- "Ohio National Guard Activities at the Newark Works"
- 1997, James L. Murphy, Archaeological Society of Ohio.
- "Ohio's Other Serpent Mound"
- 1974, James L. Murphy.
- "Proposal to Create the Newark Earthworks Center"
- 2006, Newark Earthworks Center, The Ohio State University.
- Library and Archives Canada
- Indigenous Heritage Collection
- Nations to Nations: Indigenous Voices at Library and Archives Canada. Free Apple Book. 2021.
- Library of Congress
- American State Papers [Introduction]
- II. Indian Affairs
- American State Papers May 25, 1789 - September 17, 1814: Volume I Class II. Indian Affairs | Internet Archive
- Index to Indian Affairs Volume II. | Internet Archive
- Atlas of historical county boundaries e-resource
- "Carte de la riviere Longue : et de quelques autres, qui se dechargent dans le grand fleuve de Missisipi [sic] ... ; Carte que les Gnacsitares : ont dessine sur des paux de cerfs" [French]
- Baron de Lahontan, 1703.
- "Carte du Mexique et de la Floride des Terres Angloises et des Isles Antilles : du cours et des environs de la Riviere de Mississipi [sic], dressée sur ungrand nombre de memoires principalemt. sur ceux de d'Iberville et le Sueur"
- Guillaume de L/Isle and Charles Simonneau, 1703.
- Découvertes et établissements des français dans l'ouest et dans le sud de l'Amérique Septentrionale (1614-1754) Mémoires et documents originaux recueillis et pub. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Pierre Margry (1818-1894).Volumes 1-6.
- "Distribution of mounds in the eastern United States"
- Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology. Cyrus Thomas. 1894?
- Early history of Cleveland, Ohio
- Charles Whittlesey, 1867.
- East Florida papers, 1737-1858 [1783-1821] Finding Aid [Collection in Spanish and English]
- Franquelin's map of Louisiana. or Carte de la Louisiane ou des voyages du Sr. De La Salle [Reduced Facsimile copy]
- Jean Baptiste Louis Franquelin, 1896. Digitized by the Library of Congress.
- Henry Rowe Schoolcraft papers, 1788-1941 [1820-1856] Finding Aid
- Indian land cessions in the United States (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Charles C. Royce and Cyrus Thomas, Smithsonian Institute, 1899.
- "Indian Territory, with par of the adjoining state of Kansas, etc." United States Army Corps of Topographical Engineers, October 1866.
- "A map of the British and French dominions in North America, with the roads, distances, limits, and extent of the settlements"
- John Mitchell, Jean Cóvens, Corneille Mortier, 1755-1761.
- "Map of linguistic stocks of American Indians"
- John Wesley Powell, 1890.
- "Map of the Indian Territory showing Oklahoma country" Rand McNally & Co,1889.
- " A map of the middle British colonies in North America. First published by Lewis Evans, of Philadelphia, in 1755; and since corrected and improved, as also extended, with the addition of New England, and bordering parts of Canada; from actual surveys now lying at the Board of Trade.", 1776.
- [Map of the several nations of Indians to the Northwest of South Carolina]
- Catawba deerskin map, Francis Nicholson, copy of 1655-1728 map.
- "Map of the United States: compiled chiefly from the state maps and other authentic information" Samuel Lewis, William Harrison, Mathew Carey, 1809.
- "North America"
- Thomas Jefferys and Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'Anville, 1755.
- "National atlas. Indian tribes, cultures & languages: [United States]"
- William C. Sturtevant, U.S. Geological Survey, 1991.
- "Plan of the Ancient Works at Marietta, Ohio"
- Charles Whittlesey, 1837.
- "Plan of Fort Meigs' and its environs: compricing the operations of the American forces, under Genl. W.H. Harrison, and the British Army and their allies, under Genl. Proctor and Tecumseh"
- William Sebree, [1813].
- Travels through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida, the Cherokee country, the extensive territories of the Muscogulges or Creek Confederacy, and the country of the Chactaws: containing an account of the soil and natural productions of those regions, together with observations on the manners of the Indians: embellished with copper-plates (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- William Bartram, James & Johnson, 1791.
- Writings of Caleb Atwater. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Caleb Atwater. Scott and Wright.1833.
- Licking County Library
- Greater Newark, Ohio. 1911. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- An Illustrated Souvenir Edition of Newark, Ohio. November 1903. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Industrial Survey of Newark, Licking County, Ohio (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, 1917
- Photographic History of Newark and Licking Co. 1904. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Prehistoric Remains in Licking County, Ohio (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Walter Metz, 1904.
- Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division
- The New York Public Library
- Louis Jolliet's Map of New France, 1674.
- Encyclopedia of Chicago, Chicago Historical Society.
- MIDA Miami-Illinois Digital Archive
- Miami University, National Endowment for the Humanities
- Moravian Archives Online Finding Aid [available in Deutsch, English, Français, and Italiano]
- Church records of Allemengel and Gnadenhütten Congregations January 1, 1745- December 31, 1814 [not yet digitized]
- "Diary of the Moravian congregation in Gnadenhütten, Ohio, translated by the Rev. Allen P. Zimmerman July 13, 1799- May 22 1814" [not yet digitized]
- "Diary of Moravian congregations in Gnadenhütten, Beersheba and Sharon, Ohio, compiled by Jacob Rauschenberger, translated by the Rev. Allen P. Zimmerman" May 5 1816- December 31, 1817. [not yet digitized]
- "Catalogs of Single Brothers and Boys in Bethlehem, Christiansbrunn and elsewhere (auswärtige Brüder)Erscheinungsjahr 1755 - 1762, n.d." [Deutsch (German) pg 4 Gnadenhütten
- " "Gnadenhuetten an Huron River oberhalb Detroit" Town plan of the Moravian mission at Gnadenhutten, Ohio, showing the location of the houses of individual American Indians" circa 1783
- "Map showing the Moravian missions at Schoenbrunn, Gnadenhütten, and Salem, taken from the 1785 map of the Old Northwest Territory"
- "Plate of that tract of country in the territory northwest of the Ohio appropriated for military services and described in the Act of Congress intituled 'An act regulating the grants of land apropriated for military services and for the Society of United Brethren for propagating the gospel among the heathen' Military zoning map of the Old Northwest Territory plotting the Moravian missions at Schoenbrunn, Gnadenhütten, and Salem" 1785
- "Part of the seven ranges survey'd agreeable to the ordanance of congress May 20th, 1785" Publication in Philadelphia.
- "Geologic map of the land around the Muskinghum River belonging to Gnadenhütten, Ohio" circa 1800
- "Copy of a draught of Gnadenhütten on Muskinghum, made by John Heckwelder in the year 1800 and copied by C. G. Reichel, Aug 27, 1801"
- "Account of the massacre at Gnadenhütten, Ohio" 1700s (18th Century) [English]
- "Concise historical account of the three Indian towns, Schoenbrunn, Gnadenhütten, and Salem on the Muskingum River" 1700s (18th Century) [English]
- "Letter to American Indian Christians at Gnadenhütten from Johannes Ettwein" 1774
- "Letter to American Indian Christians at Gnadenhütten from Johannes Ettwein" 1777
- "Letter to American Indian Christians at Gnadenhütten from Johannes Ettwein" May 1783
- National Archives | American Indian Records
- American Indian Treaties
- Bureau of Indian Affairs Photographs Finding Aid
- over 18,000 photographs from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (Record Group 75)
- Citing Records in the National Archives of the United States General Information Leaflet 17. [PDF]
- Dawes Records of the Five Civilized Tribes: Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole Tribes in Oklahoma
- National Historic Place, Circleville Historic District [PDF]
- National Archives Identifier: 71990915.
- National Historic Place, Fort Ancient [PDF]
- National Archives Identifier: 71986555.
- National Historic Place, Fort Hill State Park [PDF] 1971.
- National Archives Identifier: 71989326.
- National Historic Place, Fort Meigs [PDF]
- National Archives Identifier: 71992009.
- National Historic Place, Newark Earthworks [PDF] 1975.
- National Archives Identifier: 71986509.
- National Historic Place, Serpent Mound [PDF]
- National Archives Identifier: 71986437.
- National Indian Law Library (NILL) | Native American Rights Fund
- "United States Indian Claims Commission Final Report" September 30, 1978 [PDF] (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- National NAGPRA
- National Park Service
- "Saving Sugarloaf Mound in St. Louis, Missouri Research Report." Andrew B. Weil and Andrea A. Hunter. CRM: The Journal of Heritage Stewardship, Volume 7 Number 1. Winter 2010.
- "Summer 1795: The Treaty of Greenville creates an uneasy peace." Eric Hemenway [Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians. March 6, 2015.
- Native American Ethnobotany Database
- "As noted, In the spring of 2003, substantial revisions of the database were made, revising its looks, and adding links to the US Department of Agriculture PLANTS database. This means that complete botanical information on useful plants, plus pictures, range maps, and endangered status, are immediately available."
- "The database now contains 44,691 items. This version added foods, drugs, dyes, fibers and other uses of plants (a total of over 44,000 items). This represents uses by 291 Native American groups of 4,029 species from 243 different plant families. About half of them are medicinal. This expansion of the database was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation."
- Native Northeast Portal: Re-Inscribing Indigeneity into the Historical Record
- "Native Northeast Portal contains primary source materials by, on, or about Northeast Indians from repositories around the world. Documents are digitized, transcribed, annotated, reviewed by the appropriate contemporary descendant community representatives, and brought together with scholarly annotations and academic/community commentary into one edited interactive digital collection. The Portal currently contains thousands of records associated with scores of Native communities."
- Native South
- University of Nebraska Press
- New York State Library: Native American Materials
- "The New York State Library holds a wealth of first hand descriptions of the Native American experience in New York. These resources span four centuries, beginning with the Dutch colony of New Netherland and continuing to the close of the American frontier in western New York and beyond. Original manuscripts and published accounts provide windows upon Native American life and serve as lenses through which cultural and historical interpretations can be made."
- Ohio Archaeology Council
- "The Salt Wall, a Probable Woodland Period Earthwork in Granville Township, Licking County, Ohio"
- 2001, Andrew M. Michelson, The Ohio State University.
- Ohio Cemetery Law Task Force Report & Recommendation (PDF)
- Ohio Department of Commerce, September 29, 2014.
- Task Force Member List (PDF)
- Ohio Digital Network
- Ohio History Connection
- Collections and Archives
- Ohio History Journal a.ka Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly. (1887-2000 digitized.)
- "In Search of the Mound Builders: The State Archaeological Association of Ohio, 1875-1885" Terry A Barnhart. Vol 107 Summer-Autumn 1998.
- 1918. "Ohio Country of the Historic Indian Period map." H. C. Shetrone and R. B. Sherman.
- 1926-1927. William C. Mills. Seip Mound Field Notebook.
- ca. 1930. "The Wyandots: Being the History of an American Indian Nation Whose Warriors Never Surrendered" Don. C. Seitz; pg 359-361 a muster roll of all Wyandotte who emigrated west of the Mississippi River in July 1843.
- ca. 1953-1970. "Indian Mill photograph"
- Ohio Hopewell | Ancient Crossroads of the American Midwest
- University of Nebraska Lincoln Center for Digital Research in the Humanities, the University of Illinois at Chicago, Northwestern University, and the Field Museum of Natural History.
- Ohio Legislative Commission on the Education and Preservation of State History (PDF)
- The Ohio Legislature, September 2010
- OhioLINK
- "Breakfast at Lock 37: Designing for the World Heritage Traveler in the Scioto Valley"
- 2016. John N. Edwards, University of Cincinnati.
- "Commerce and Arms: the Federal Government, Native Americans, and the Economy of the Old Northwest, 1783-1807"
- 2005. William H. Bergmann, University of Cincinnati.
- "Dispersed, but not Destroyed: Leadership, Women, and Power within the Wendat Diaspora, 1600-1701"
- 2011. Kathryn Claire Magee, The Ohio State University.
- "Earthworks: A Multimedia Exhibit Design"
- 2005. Julie Quon Zuo, University of Cincinnati.
- "Environment and Human Response at Newark's Great Circle"
- 2011. Emily G. Culver, University of Cincinnati.
- "History of the Wyandot Indians in Ohio"
- 1958. Randall Loren Buchman, The Ohio State University.
- "Location, Location, Location: A Probabilistic Model of Banked Earthwork Placement within the Central Ohio Landscape during the Early and Middle Woodland Periods"
- 2010. Julie R. Angel, The Ohio State University.
- "Miami Fort: An Ancient Hydraulic Structure"
- 2009. Marianne R. Ballantyne, University of Cincinnati.
- "Mitochondrial DNA analysis of the Ohio Hopewell of the Hopewell Mound Group"
- 2003. Lisa Ann Mills, The Ohio State University.
- "Hopewell Ceremonial Bladelet Use at the Moorehead Circle, Fort Ancient"
- 2010. Gregory Logan Miller, The Ohio State University.
- "Ohio Hopewell Earthworks: an examination of site use from non-mound space at the Hopewell Site"
- 2006. Jennifer Pederson Weinberger, The Ohio State University.
- "Preserving the ancient past in Licking County, Ohio: A case study"
- 1993. Paul Eric Hooge, The Ohio State University.
- "Ritual, Craft, and Economy in Ohio Hopewell: an Examination of Two Earthworks on the Little Miami River"
- 2014. Logan G. Miller, The Ohio State University.
- "Spatial Relationships of Sacred and Secular Spaces of the Hopewell and Adena People, Muskingum River Valley, Ohio"
- 2015. Sabrina J. Klein, Ohio University.
- "Wigwams West: A Native American Model of Frontier Development"
- 2001. Joseph P. Alessi, Youngstown State University.
- Ohio Memory
- "American Indians in Ohio" Search
- Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma
- "Canter's Cave Photograph", 1940-1949.
- "Greenville Treaty Line Survey Photographs", 1960s.
- "Fort Ancient Map," Ohio State University Department of Civil Engineering, 1908.
- "Fort Ancient Map", Civilian Conservation Corps, January 1934.
- "James Newell Hay Travel Journal," September 26, 1815 - November 26, 1815.
- "Ohio and Erie Canal plat Map", between stations 77 and 132 and the Raccoon Creek feeder, 1890s.
- "Powwow at Ohio State University Photograph", May 9, 1993.
- "Powwow at Ohio State University Photograph", May 9, 1993.
- "Rufus Putnam Ohio Map" 1804.
- "Treaty of Greenville" (copy), August 3, 1795.
- "Treaty of Greenville Indian Signatures" (facsimile) for 1795 Treaty.
- "Treaty of Greenville Calumet" (ceremonial pipe), ca 1795.
- The treaty of Greenville, being an official account of the same, together with the expeditions of Gen. Arthur St. Clair and Gen. Anthony Wayne against the northwestern Indian tribes, and an historical sketch of the territory northwest of the Ohio River, previous thereto,". Wilson, Frazer Ells, Piqua, O., Correspondent Press, 1894.
- Ojibwe Cultural Foundation
- M'Chigeeng First Nation
- OSU Publications
- The Lantern and the Ohio State University alumni magazine, The Ohio State University Libraries.
- The Oxford handbook of neo-Latin, online copy [OSU Libraries; OSU login required]
- edited by Stefan Tilg and Sarah Knight. Oxford University Press, 2015.
- (contains references and bibliographical information about early colonial sources)
- Papers of the War Department 1784-1800
- "presents this collection of more than 42,000 documents in a free, online format with extensive and searchable metadata linked to digitized images of each document, ensuring free access for a wide range of users. Readers will find evidence on many subjects in the history of the Early Republic, from the handling of Indian affairs, pensions and procurement to the nature of the first American citizens’ relationship with their new Federal government. The Papers offer a window into a time when there was no law beyond the Constitution and when the administration first worked out its understanding and interpretation of that new document."
- Paths to Reconciliation Map | Canadian Geographic [available in English and Français]
- "This map charts the hundreds of residential schools not recognized by the federal government’s Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement because they had been run by the provinces or other organizations. It also includes links to a series of first-hand accounts and related original-source materials from survivors and, in some instances, family members of survivors of these schools."
- Project Gutenberg
- Burial Mounds of the Northern Sections of the United States by Cyrus Thomas, 1825-1910. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Historic Highways of America Volume 1 | Paths of the Mound-Building Indians and Great Game Animals by Archer Butler Hulbert. 1903. (Not an Indigenous Perspective and should not be used as a definitive source)
- includes "Archaeological Map of Wisconsin;" Archaeological Map of Ohio;" "Archaeological Map of Illinois and Indiana;" "Early Highways on the Watersheds of Ohio;"
- Historic Highways of America Volume 3 | Washington's Road (Nemacolin's Path) The First Chapter of the Old French War by Archer Butler Hulbert. 1903. (Not an Indigenous Perspective and should not be used as a definitive source)
- includes about 1753 "A Map of the Country between Wills Creek and Lake Erie;" "A Plan of Lewis' Survey of Fort Necessity;" "B. Sparks' Plan of Fort Necessity"
- Historic Highways of America Volume 4 | Braddock's Road and Three Relative Papers by Archer Butler Hulbert. 1903. (Not an Indigenous Perspective and should not be used as a definitive source)
- includes 1756 "English and French Routes to the Ohio;" February 1755 "Plan of Fort Cumberland and Vicinity;" about 1759 "Map of Braddock's Road;" 1847 "Middleton's Map of Braddock's Road"
- Historic Highways of America Volume 6 | Boone's Wilderness Road by Archer Butler Hulbert. 1903. (Not an Indigenous Perspective and should not be used as a definitive source)
- includes 1784 "Filson's Map of Kentucky"
- Historic Highways of America Volume 7 | Portage Paths-The Keys to the Continent by Archer Butler Hulbert. 1903. (Not an Indigenous Perspective and should not be used as a definitive source)
- includes "The Morris Map of 1749;" "The Old Oneida Portage in 1756 (Rome, New York);"
- Historic Highways of America Volume 9 | Waterways of Westward Expansion, The Ohio River and its tributaries by Archer Butler Hulbert. 1903. (Not an Indigenous Perspective and should not be used as a definitive source)
- includes 1749 "Bonnécamp's Map of the Ohio River"; 1766 "Captain Gordon's Map of the Ohio River;" 1804 "Putnam's Map of the Ohio River and Settlements"
- Historic Highways of America Volume 12 | Pioneer Roads and Experiences of Travelers Vol II by Archer Butler Hulbert. 1903. (Not an Indigenous Perspective and should not be used as a definitive source)
- includes about 1756 "Part of a "Map of the Route Between Albany and Oswego";" about 1756 "Part of a "Map of the Grand Pass from New York to Thos. Pownall";" 1809 "Western New York"
- Notes on the Iroquois: or, contributions to the statistics, aboriginal history, antiquities and general ethnology of Western New-York | Senate Document, 24. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft. Bartlett & Welford, New York.1846. Digitized by Project Gutenberg.
- Old Indian Legends by Zitkala-Sa (Indigenous Perspective)
- Retold by Zitkála-Šá [Yankton Sioux Tribe], Ginn and Co. Athenaeum Press, 1901.
- National Park Service Biography Page for Zitkála-Šá
- Paths of the Mound-Building Indians and Great Game Animals by Archer Butler Hulbert, 1873-1933 (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Prehistoric Man Researches into the Origin of Civilization in the Old and New World by Daniel Wilson, 1816-1892. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Chapter 10:
- Prehistoric Textile Fabrics of the United States, Derived from Impressions On by William Henry Holmes, 1846-1933. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- The Problem of Ohio Mounds by Cyrus Thomas, 1825-1910. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Travels Amongst American Indians, Their Ancient Earthworks and Temples: Including a Journey in Guatemala, Mexico and Yucatan, and a Visit to the Ruins of Patinamit, Utatlan, Palenque and Uxmal by Lindesay Brine, 1834-1906. (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Chapter IV: Ancient Indian Mounds and Earthworks in Ohio and Chapter V: Mounds and Earthworks in Ohio.
- The Quarterly Journal of the Society of American Indians
- Hathi Trust Digital Library
- Sam Noble Museum
- The University of Oklahoma, Native American Languages Collection
- Seeing Red Audio Archive
- Institute of American Indian Arts, Susan Harjo Papers 2017.
- "fifty-five (55) archival recordings of Seeing Red, a radio program hosted by Suzan Shown (Harjo) and Frank Harjo from 1971-1974 on WBAI Radio in New York City. "
- Settler Colonial City Project
- "The 1710 Senex map of North America"
- Washington State Magazine, Winter 2012.
- "The Six Nations Confederacy During the American Revolution"
- National Park Service Park Ranger William Sawyer, Fort Stanwix National Monument, New York.
- Smithsonian Institution Collections
- Search Center
- Smithsonian Digital Libraries
- Books, Collections, and Exhibitions
- "Sketches of Monuments and Antiques Found in the Mounds, Tombs and Ancient Cities of America"
- Edwin Hamilton Davis, 1858.
- Smithsonian X 3D
- Snyder Act of 1924 | Library of Congress National Archives
- Granted citizenship to any American Indian within the United States; voting rights were not fully granted.
- Statutes of the United States Concerning Native Americans
- Yale Law School Lillian Goldman Law Library, The Avalon Project
- The Technique of Porcupine-Quill Decoration Among the North American Indians (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- William C. Orchard, 1971, Smithsonian Digital Library.
- Tribal Connections | U.S. Forest Service
- "designed to illustrate the relationship between lands administered by the Forest Service, Indian lands, and lands ceded to the United States as documented in the 67 maps from "Indian Land Cessions in the United States", compiled by Charles C. Royce and published as the second part of the two-part Eighteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1896-1897."
- UM Museum of Anthropological Archaeology Image Database [contains images of grave goods]
- University of Alberta Library
- University of Pittsburgh Library System (ULS)
- "Map of the Cherokee country." 1764. Copied by James A. Burt from the original in the British Museum.
- "Map of the Countrey of The Five Nations belonging to the Province of NEW YORK and of the LAKES near which the Nations of FAR INDIANS live with part of CANADA taken from the Map of the LOUISIANE done by Mr. De LISLE in 1718. " Copied 1882.
- "Map of the southern Indian district, 1764." Copied by James A. Burt from the original in the British Museum.
- U.S. House of Representatives Committee Repository Document Search
- Western Reserve Historical Society
- Wisconsin Historical Society Online Collections
- Wiwkwébthëgen | Preserving material of historical and cultural value for Pokégenek Bodéwadmik
- Note: Most content is not accessible to the public. Pokagon citizens may request an account to view all content on the site.
- World Digital Library
- World's Columbian Exposition Expedition to Southern Ohio
- Field Museum
- "In 1891, Professor Frederic Ward Putnam, Director of Department M of the World’s Columbian Exposition, hired Warren K. Moorehead to lead excavations at Mound Builder sites in Southern Ohio. Putnam needed Moorehead to collect objects to exhibit at the Exposition. He excavated at three sites in 1891 and 1892: Fort Ancient, Oregonia, and Anderson. The Field Museum received Moorehead’s Ohio collection after the Exposition (Anthropology Accessions 31, 410, and 429)."
- Yale Indian Papers Project
- Yale University
Ohio Land Cessions
- Library of Congress
- Act of Ninth Congress-Sessions I. CH. 52, 53. Statute I. “Chapter LIII-An Act making appropriations for carrying into effect certain Indian treaties.” 1806. Page 407.
- Royce Cession 90, 91
- [60 of 102]
- Act of Seventeenth Congress-Session II. CH. 27. Statute I. “Chapter XXVII- An Act making further appropriations for the military service of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three, and for other purposes.” 1823. Pages 749-750.
- Royce Cessions 4, 5, 6
- [101-102 of 149]
- Act of Nineteenth Congress- Session II. CH. 58, 59, 60. Statute II. “Chapter LX- An Act to authorize the sale of certain tracts of land in the state of Ohio, commonly called Moravian land.” 1827. Pages 237-238.
- Royce Cessions-4, 5, 6
- [101-102 of 109]
- Charles Keppler. Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties Vol II. 1904. | HathiTrust Digital Library (Not an Indigenous Perspective)
- Treaty with the Wyandot, Etc., 1795. (39-45) [47-53 of 1110]
- Royce Cessions 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20
- Treaty with the Wyandot, Etc., 1805. (77-78) [85-86 of 1110]
- Royce Cessions 53, 54
- Treaty with the Ottawa, Etc., 1807. (92-95) [100-103 of 1110]
- Royce Cession 66, 169, 170, 183
- Treaty with the Chippewa, Etc., 1808. (99-100) [107-108 of 1110]
- Royce Cession 70
- Treaty with the Wyandot, Etc., 1817. (145-155) [153-163 of 1110]
- Royce Cessions 87, 88, 90, 91, 150, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 182, 211, 212, 259
- Treaty with the Wyandot, Etc., 1818. (162-163) [170-171 of 1110]
- Royce Cessions 163, 164, 165, 171, 211, 212, 213, 259
- Treaty with the Miami, 1818. (171-174) [179-182 of 1110]
- Royce Cession 99
- Treaty with the Delawares, 1829. (303-304) [311-312]
- Royce Cession 150
- Treaty with the Delawares, 1829. (304-305) [312-313 of 1110]
- Royce Cession 150
- Treaty with the Seneca, 1831. (325-327) [333-335 of 1110]
- Royce Cession 163
- Treaty with the Seneca, Etc., 1831. (327-331) [335-339 of 1110]
- Royce Cession 164
- Treaty with the Shawnee, 1831. (331-334) [339-343 of 1110]
- Royce Cession 165, 166
- Treaty with the Ottawa, 1831. (335-339) [343-347 of 1110]
- Royce Cessions 167, 168, 169, 170
- Treaty with the Wyandot, 1832. (339-341) [347-349 of 1110]
- Royce Cession 171
- Treaty with the Ottawa, 1832. (392-394) [400-402 of 1110]
- Royce Cession 182, 183
- Treaty with the Wyandot, 1836. (460-461) [468-469 of 1110]
- Royce Cessions 211, 212, 213
- Treaty with the Wyandot, 1842. (534-537) [542-545 of 1110]
- Royce Cession 259
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