Great Circle Museum, Newark
June 8-9: 23rd Annual Fort Ancient Celebration: A Gathering of Four Directions
Saturday 11 am- 7 pm.
Sunday 11 am-6 pm.
Experience one of the premier Native American-themed educational events in the Region!
Enjoy native flute music & drumming, & view up to 100 dancers in full regalia. View demonstrations by silversmiths & flint knappers, or participate in dream catcher workshops & walk through an 18th Century camp.
Hear expert storytellers ply their trade, or sit in on presentations by herb & Native heritage experts. Get in on the fun with crafts, games, tomahawk-throwing, & archery.
General Admission: Adult $ 9 ; Youth $6
DSNH/OHS Members: Adult $6 ; Youth $4
Two-Day Pass: Adult: $12 ; Youth $8
June 17-21: Ancient Ohio Day Camp -American Indian Daily Living
The Newark Earthworks Center is offering one-week Day Camps at the Great Circle and Flint Ridge.
Ages: 6-8 years old.
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, June 12.
Cost: $100
Time: 9 am- Noon
Join us & learn about the everyday life of American Indians living in this area 2,000 years ago. We will step into their shoes & learn how to knap a point from flint, make a clay effigy, use an ancient tool called a pumpdrill, play games that connect us to the land, & much more. Come experience Ancient Ohio this summer & form a bond with the land & the American Indians who called this beautiful part of Ohio home.
5.00 - 9.00 PM
Ohio State University's Newark Earthworks Center & the Licking County Convention & Visitor's Bureau will host an evening of activities, exhibits, demonstrations, & tours at the Great Circle designed to share new findings about ancient Ohio & to celebrate the milestones that are making progress toward achievement of World Heritage inscription for Ohio's earthworks.
Join us to learn how to help fulfill the promise of World Heritage through contributions from our local community, American Indian tribes and peoples, experts, and youth. Guests include civic leaders, citizens of the Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma, visitors from Germany, noted earthworks experts, and youth groups. Finish the evening by watching the sunset across the mounds just as the ancients did.
Newark, Ohio
LCCVB 740-345-8224
June 24-28: Ancient Ohio Day Camp - Ancient Skills
The Newark Earthworks Center is offering one-week Day Camps at the Great Circle and Flint Ridge.
Ages: 9-14 years old.
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, June 19.
Cost: $165
Time: 9 am- 3 pm
This week we will learn all about the Hopewell culture; the impressive mounds they built, & the rainbow flint they crafted into tools. We will experience what life was like 2,000 years ago by learning how to knap a piece of flint, making a clay effigy, throwing a dart with an atlatl, creating fire by friction, & playing games that connect us to nature in a meaningful way. We will form a unique bond with the land, as well as our group, while we learn how these American Indians survived off the landscape. Come experience Ancient Ohio this summer at two special archaeological sites!

Tours of the Great Circle Earthworks and Flint Ridge.
The Newark Earthworks Center employs four trained tour guides (two certified teachers & two Native Americans) who give tours for K-12 classes & other groups.
Admission is $5 per person except for teachers & aids.
Approximately 2, 500 school children participate each year.
Admission is $5 per person except for teachers & aids.
Approximately 2, 500 school children participate each year.
For more information visit our Ancient Ohio Experience page or email us.
Call 740-345-8224 to schedule a tour.
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