Wednesday, January 29, 2014

First Date for Cowan Creek Mound

Circular Pattern of postmolds discovered beneath the Cowan Creek Mound. Image courtesy of the Ohio Historical Society.
Circular Pattern of postmolds discovered beneath the Cowan Creek Mound.
Image courtesy of the Ohio Historical Society.
Brad Lepper, of the Ohio Historical Society Archaeology Blog, has written an engaging post about the history behind the Ohio Historical Society's first radiocarbon date for an archaeological site.

"the project is a landmark in the history of Ohio archaeology. It resulted in the discovery of a complete circular postmold pattern at the base of the mound, the earliest confirmed evidence for domesticated plants in an Adena site, and charcoal from a fire pit located just outside the circle of posts produced the first radiocarbon date for an Ohio Adena site, which was also the first date obtained on material provided by the Ohio Historical Society."

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