Monday, September 14, 2015

Undergraduate Scholarship Opportunities

Undergraduate Research Scholarship Application

Autumn 2015 Application due September 21, 2015,
 before 5 PM.

"Applications for the 2015-16 Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Research Scholarship (URS) competition are now available below or in the ASC Honors Office, 3180 Smith Lab. To be eligible, you must be enrolled in a major program in the College of Arts and Sciences (please note: Arts majors working on a creative or research project should apply for the Arts Undergraduate Research Scholarship rather than the general URS available through this application). You must also have attained junior standing and meet one of the following criteria: be a potential candidate for graduation with research distinction or with honors research distinction or present other evidence of work on a significant research project.

The scholarships, which range from $500 to approximately $6,000 in the Autumn Semester competition, will be distributed during Spring Semester 2016. The funds automatically go toward the payment of the student recipient's university tuition and fees. (Please note the information about financial aid restrictions which is included on the application materials.) Awards will be announced by late November.

Applicants are required to have an Ohio State faculty adviser with whom they work to devise and refine a proposal, and who will be responsible for overseeing the project once it is underway. "

For more information and application forms, visit:

The application for the Spring 2016 Undergraduate Research Scholarship competition
  will be posted in December 2015, and the deadline will be February 8, 2016
The Spring competition provides funding for the 2016-17 academic year.

International Research Grants 
for Undergraduates in Arts and Sciences

Application due September 21, 2015,
 before 5 PM.

"Students and faculty are encouraged to apply for a grant to support an undergraduate student who can benefit from participation in research abroad. "
"The information provided should include:
  • A description of the research project and the international experience (can include conference presentation)
  • Timeline for the project and travel abroad
  • Project advisor recommendation which must articulate in some detail the form and nature of the student's involvement in the research project.
Students and/or faculty may apply for up to $4,000 for student support. Funds will generally be provided for one student per research project."

For more information and application forms, visit:
College of Arts and Sciences Honors Programhere.

University Honors & Scholars Center
 Small Grants Program

"The University Honors & Scholars Center Small Grants Program, funded by the Sidney Pressey Endowment Fund, is designed to assist students who are candidates for graduation with honors research distinction and who have specific research needs not covered by other assistance. The maximum amount for which students may apply is $300, and the funds must be used for the purposes indicated in the budget. "

For more information, visit: College of Arts and Sciences Honors Programhere.

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