Monday, September 28, 2015

U.S. Dig Uncovers 10,000-Year-Old Stone Tools

"We were pretty amazed," said archaeologist Robert Kopperl of the finds at the site.  Image Courtesy of SWCA Environmental Consultants and The Seattle Times.
"We were pretty amazed," said archaeologist Robert Kopperl of the finds at the site.
Image Courtesy of SWCA Environmental Consultants and The Seattle Times.
September 11,  2015.
Sandi Coughton, of The Seattle Times, has written an exciting article about the recent discovery of 10,000 year old tools in the Puget Sound Lowland of Washington State. The site was originally found through an environmental impact study for Highway 520. After the artifacts' analysis the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe will be in charge of their curation.

"By the time excavations were done, crews had unearthed more than 4,000 stone flakes, scrapers, awls and spear points crafted at least 10,000 years ago by some of the region’s earliest inhabitants.

“We were pretty amazed,” said archaeologist Robert Kopperl, who led the field investigation. “This is the oldest archaeological site in the Puget Sound lowland with stone tools.” "

To read the full article/postclick here.

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