Friday, March 27, 2015

National Park Service's Indigenous Cultural Landscape

Video Courtesy of the National Park Service.

National Park Service's American Indian Program Manager, Deanna Beacham, discusses how the National Park Service's initiative of Indigenous Cultural Landscape began and evolved from protecting lands in Executive Order 13007 into a "methodology and criteria for identifying and representing indigenous cultural landscapes for the purposes of conservation and interpretation"*.

"This construct recognizes and respects that Indian cultures lived within the context of their environment, although not in the stereotypical sense of “living in harmony with the environment.” American Indian peoples lived around major waterways within large, varied landscapes, with which they were intimately familiar. They used different parts of those landscapes in different ways: for food, medicine, and clothing procurement, for making tools and objects related to transportation and the household, for agriculture, and for settlements."
A Model for Conservation, Interpretation, and TourismGeorge Wright Society Conference on Parks,
 Protected Areas, and Cultural Sites, 2011.

For more information,

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